To get even more control over your placement, hit ALT while grabbing an item. Once MOO is active, you will find that the footprints for items are still visible, but they no longer limit or prevent you from placing an item where you wish. You will get a message telling you the cheat has been turned off. When you are done using the cheat, don’t forget to go back and turn it off! Open the cheat box and enter bb.moveobjects off. Close the cheat box by hitting CTRL+Shift+C again. You will get a message saying the Move Objects cheat is now on. In the box, enter bb.moveobjects on and hit enter. Now that you know what to watch out for, let’s get to MOO-ving objects! Open the cheat box by pressing CTRL+Shift+C at the same time. You will find that while MOO allows you to place one panel windows across two wall units, or place two individual windows on the same wall panel, the results are less than desirous. Some objects, such as windows and doors, do not respond well to MOO.If you decide to use functioning objects in your MOO creation, be sure to playtest them thoroughly before sharing. Things your sims use a lot, such as beds, toilets, or chairs are much more likely to cause issues if you do not follow the game’s rules for object placement. This is the best way to minimize weird glitches and odd effects.

Wall art, sculptures, landscaping and the like are all ideal candidates for some creative moving of objects. MOO is best used on decorative and non-functioning objects.So before you start Moving Objects, keep these things in mind: Using MOO comes with some warnings to keep in mind if you don’t want to cause routing problems or graphical glitches. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. You can float them in mid-air, layer or stack objects, blend items together to create something new…the possibilities are mind boggling.