The image at the right shows a successful installation of Adblock Plus, but if you are seeing an “ Unexpected installation error -203”, theĬause of the error is a corrupted Firefox profile. If you can’t install Adblock Plus and you have that program, remove it. Note that a non-English program, TDC Digital Signatur, is also known to cause problems in Firefox.

HP Smart Web Printing - Remove this extension for Firefox or update it.Skype Extension - Remove this extension or update to a newer version.NET Framework Assistant add-on in Firefox. NET Framework through Windows Update or remove the. To resolve the problem, update Microsoft. NET Framework Assistant v0.0.0.0 - The old version of this add-on is also know to break ABP. If you are using any toolbar that is powered by Ask/IAC, and you cannot install Adblock Plus or ABP won’t run in Firefox after a successful installation, then remove the toolbar. Ask Toolbar v2.1.0.5 - This toolbar is bundled with several software installers, including Foxit Reader, Webroot Spy Sweeper and ZoneAlarm.The following add-ons have been known to have issue with Adblock Plus:

Other Extensions of Firefox Breaks Other Add-ons for Firefox Some users have reported problem installing ABP, which is why we often see people asking “Why can’t I install Firefox Adblock Plus?” This article will describe the steps for solving any installation issues. Adblock Plus, or ABP, blocks annoying and malicious ads on the Internet by manually blocking advertisements on webpages and subscribing to an ABP filter to block malicious IP addresses and ads. One of the popular add-ons for Mozilla Firefox is Adblock Plus.